Saturday, October 4, 2008

somethings missing...

The reason evil can't put his fingers on it might just be because he is missing some.....

Any whooo.....

Being a fatherload of few words, I just don't know what to say except..... CHEESE STILL DON'T GO IN CAKE!!!

Unless of course it's from the Carnegie deli and its free.... I probably spelled it wrong but what else would you expect from someone with only a high school edumacation.

Kanooer, you may sling the poo anytime you like, with no worries of any type of censorship from me.
After all there was that one instance in Ephraim when we did the job for A 1 Air you remember... Yes that's right I will always remain the king!!!

Oh yeah, Evil... slap the boy of yours for me will ya... I just think he needs to be smacked for leaving the jeep in such distress. I mean come on... the rest of us freeloaders shouldn't have to spend an entire weekend cleaning it out so we can use it. You know we love ya josh. It's not the same without you here. there are no emo kids hanging out here any more. HA HA HA ...

Oh well got to go.



kanooer said...

S'up Soopa Fly

How can I forget that job we had in Ephraim. I still feel bad that we actually billed them. That's also the night you rear ended that guy on the way home causing me to miss my HOT date with Amy.

allison said...

Motherload: Don't feel bad that Fatherload won't share the Ephraim story with you. I mean, it doesn't sound good, considering the culprits. In fact, you probably don't want to know.

motherload said...

I'm betting it almost certainly has something to do with pooh.
So, I probably don't want to know.