Saturday, October 18, 2008

The big stink...

Well I figured that kannooer would let the cat out of the bag but mabey he's not allowed to see my blog any more. The EPHERAM JOB would be better explained in person so you will all have to wait until we meet again...

As for imigration.... what a transition.....
Why just the other day I had the privalidge to listen to trailer park trash talk about politcs and how they thought both candidates sucked and how they thought we would be better off with the KKK in charge. NO REALLY THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED!
What is this world coming to. I was there trying to get their furnace running so the fat tub of lard sitting on the couch would be warm while she watched springer (yes this is true to..) and sit and let her self feel as if she and her hubby and best friend really knew what the hell they were talking about.
As for the furnace... It was a total loss, it was not worth fixing but they refused to pay to fix it even though I told them that the parts were not available for a trailer made in 1974.
I explained to them that even if I could manage to piece it together I was 100% possitive that it would not pass a c/o test and it was not safe!
Miss lard explained to me that they were selling the trailer in november and they wouldnot pay to replace it. She then explained that the buyers could not get approved on a loan for the trailer due to the age and they would be paying them cash for it..... Any guesses on the nationality of the buyers?

You probrably guessed that they were mexican right... I was surprised that they had no concern for the new buyers saftey. I guess if they are coming over illeagally then why not sell them our unsafe crap right...

What do you think....

WOW my brain and fingers hurt after all this typing...



Holly Rhees said...

I don't know how to feel about this one, because if the furnace blows then we'll ended paying their hospital bills. We'll never win.
You must see and hear some very interesting things while at work. I'm glad to see you're back to posting!

Pam said...

my thoughts, if i had to choose one it would be the mexicans. i need someone to clean my house!

and leo, your not supposed to make us actaully think.

mom said...

If Obama wins, this thread could get the whole fam damily sent to reeducation camp. Oh, well, at least we'll have each other.

allison said...

I left this on Tracy's blog too: here's a link to a caption contest for an Obama/McCain picture. Funny.

motherload said...

What the hell!
Leo has more comments than me!!!!

allison said...